Contain-A-Pet of Central Mississippi is a proud provider of the best electronic pet containment system in the industry today. The Contain-A-Pet pet underground dog fence system includes a wall unit called the transmitter and the electronic dog collar which is basically a mini computer.
How It Works?
The transmitter sends a digital signal through a wire buried around your property. Your dog or cat wears a small receiver that will detect that signal. Through proper training your pet is conditioned to stay in the safe areas of the yard. If your pet gets too close, the collar will activate and give either a tone or a correction/tone depending on the setting.
Your pet is conditioned to the boundaries for only 5 – 15 minutes per day for one week. After that week, you just watch your pet to be sure she understands where he or she can go. From then on, your pet is safe and sound on her property which allows you to enjoy life a little easier, knowing you have done the right thing for your pet.
Read on for more information on the Contain-A-Pet dog fence system or
Call your Contain-A-Pet of Central Mississippi today at 601-209-2473
The Electronic Dog Collar

The Contain-A-Pet electric dog fence collars are among the smallest and most advanced in the pet fence industry. From the largest dog to the smallest dog or cat, you can feel confident that Contain-A-Pet can keep them happy and safe in your yard.
Dog Fence Transmitter

The Contain-A-Pet dog fence Transmitter can do it all. Size makes no difference. Many companies offer different transmitters at different price points. Contain-A-Pet offers one transmitter that does it all. The transmitter is made tamper proof to prevent accidental setting changes that can affect your pet’s safety and well-being.
Contain-A-Pet’s dog trainers recommend the settings to be set so that the collar tones and corrects at the same time. These are sound pet behavior principles that will save you worry, save you money and more importantly, possibly save your pet’s life !
Call Don today to give your pet the freedom and exercise it needs. Your pet will be glad you did! Call 601-209-2473